To a genealogy researcher even one little scrap of paper can be important. Shortly after the passing of Ollie Durr Haskins, her nephew, Randy, received the bible of Paralee Ruhamah Durr, d/o William Rufus Durr, that had passed to Ollie from her father, Kelly Franklin Durr. Tucked inside were the following two small scraps of paper. Apparently at some point Paralee had interviewed her mother, Lucindy Melvina Dykes, about her family. Unfortunately it looks like she either did not interview her father or her parents did not know anything about his family.

Family stories had said Harriet was daughter of an Asy or Acie McKinsey but there had not been proof. Asy or Acie is a nickname for Alexander so his name may actually have been Alexander McKinsey.

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This forgotten piece of paper allowed two distant researchers to link David's sisters, Elizabeth "Betsy" and Mary Luvina, making a long suspected but unproven connection. It also gave them a father, Nathaniel Dykes and connected them to our David Dykes.

If anyone has another piece of this puzzle please send it to:

Susan Laurent Obit
Family History
Michael D. Durr              David H. Durr
William Rufus Durr
Reunions & Homecomings
Gone But Not Forgotten

For more information on the Durr family, contact: Susan Laurent (
(Last edited: 3/23/2011)
